Skype Conversation with RadioHalley
[8:19:05 PM] Christopher J. Dias: Elküldem egy
Tóth Lüszi debut CD, ha megigertek nézni meg egy kómoly szemmel. Tudok, hogy
barátjatok a Király családdal, viszont melyik oldalon szeretnétek járni - az
ördögi vagy a normális: (RTL Klub +) A TV2 és Király család átverés (a Caramel,
Radics Gigi, Fekete Dávid, Nguyen Thanh Hien, Friderikusz, stb.
belekeveredésükkel kapcsolatban is) - a szervezett bűnözés leleplezése - Tóth
Lüszi emlékére -
- Emmène-moi - Lucy (Lüszi Tóth) - Official Album available!
[8:21:04 PM] Radio Halley: Radio Halley a
Király családot mindig is fogja támogatni. Lejárató kampányotok meg nem
érdekel. RH Team
[8:23:20 PM] Christopher J. Dias: Ez nem egy
családi állomás - egyáltalán nem. Ez egy Király család támogatás állomás. Nem
baj - gonosz vagytok.
First of all, my campaign over, and it isn’t
as much about Lüszi as it is about the corruption, which you fools continue to
support. Don’t you have any children or respect for your Hungarian fellows?
Shouldn’t you be telling the truth? Don’t you guys also do News? I’m the only
person that compiled the truth to as far as it can be seen from my position.
It is not over because the Király family still
controls much of the tv networks via TV2, a large swathe of the radio stations,
control these contests that are nothing about looking for talent, but
everything about keeping the Király family and their TV, News and Entertainment
associations with them. It is cruel and uncouth, and I aim to shut it down.
It should be up to viewers to decide if the work of a talent is worthy of a broader audience, not some two-bit junkies such as this radio station, which is bent on supporting the "Hungarian Condition", as I call it; the disease I call "nem érdekel"--Lüszi also has this virus now--it's sad to see.
It should be up to viewers to decide if the work of a talent is worthy of a broader audience, not some two-bit junkies such as this radio station, which is bent on supporting the "Hungarian Condition", as I call it; the disease I call "nem érdekel"--Lüszi also has this virus now--it's sad to see.
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