Fighting the Corruption! - My Two Wars - the Hungarian Mafia and Banking Scandal Machines

Friday, August 19, 2011

Miért is hoztam létre a „Tóth Lüszi's Dream to Sing Fan Club-ot”?

csütörtök, 2012. január 5.– 2. változat
Miért is hoztam létre a „Tóth Lüszi's Dream to Sing Fan Club-ot”?  
Először is, hagy mutassam be Lüszit azoknak, akik még nem ismernék!
Tóth Lucienne Edit „Lüszi” (A magyarban a vezeték név kerül előre) 1995 szeptember 3-án született Kaposváron Magyarországon. Azt mondják, hogy Lüszi előbb tudott énekelni mint beszélni. Az édesanyja a zongorista, az édesapja angol kürten játszott egy zenekarban úgyan abban a városban, ahol Lüszi született.

13 éves korában, Lüszi nekivágott azzal a céllal, hogy bekerüljön a Magyarországon legnépszerűbb zenei műsorba, a Megasztárba, ahol milliók figyelhetik minden egyes lépését a színpadon, és ítélhetik meg percről percre a produkcióját. Vegül is 4-ként végzett 2008-ban az énekesek tehetségkutató versenyén Magyarországon és kiváló ’Megasztár’ énekes vált belőle, de ez azzal is együtt járt, hogy a személyzet közül néhányan, a média és mások, akik szintén szerettek volna a rivaldafénybe kerülni, súlyos, maró kritikával illették, és ezzel megpecsételték a karrierjét. Az ő esetét Hamupipőke és a mostohatestvérei történetéhez  tudnám hasonlítani; Lüszi egyszerre vált nem csak egy tehetséges, kedves fiatal énekes lánnyá, hanem  egy kivételesen csinos fiatal hölgy modelljévé is, és ezzel mások célpontjává vált, rágalmazták – úgy tűnik, hogy  irígységből kifolyólag.

Véleményem szerint, Lüszinek kellett volna a verseny győztesének lennie. Hagy mutassak be néhány tényt, ami megtámogatja az érveimet. Az a pletyka keringett az országban abban az időben, hogy Király Viktor vagyonos apja, kenőpénzt kínált fel. A zsűri tagadta ezeket a vádakat, de várjunk csak egy kicsit! Nem a zsűrinek volt szüksége arra, hogy megvesztegessék, mert nem az ő kezükben volt az igazi hatalom, hanem a rendszergazdáknak, akik a szavazási folyamatokat irányították. Az a meggyőződésem, hogy ennek kellett történnie a döntőben zajlott eseményeken alapszik.

Napvilágra került hír forrás: A tanítványomomtól hallottam, aki egyébként úgyvéd 2011 novemberben elmagyarázta, hogy jogilag kivizsgálták azt a ügyet, és döntést hoztak a Megasztár vállálkozással kapcsolatban; kiderült, hogy a Megasztár ténylég megszegte az erkölcsi és etikai játék szabályokat! A nyomós feltételezésem, amit 2009 és 2011 között történtekkel kapcsolatban vizsgáltam, igaznak bizonyult – a véletlennek köszönhetően. Habár érdekes az, hogy erről sohasem hallattam a media hírekben, sem Király Viktorról és apjáról, aki mindig felettébb önelégültnek mutatkozik a képernyőn, hogy bármiféle büntetést vagy megrovást kaptak volna a történtek miatt. Valójában, sem Király Viktor és sem édesapja, sem a Megasztár szervezők közül bárki, részletei vagy elkövetői  ennek a balhénak nem került megemlítésre ebben a bizonyos cikkben. A cikk nem beszélt a visszafizetendő pénzről és a kiszabott büntetés összegéről sem. Az egyetlen dolog, ami történt az az, hogy néhány szavazó visszakapta a telefonos fogadási díj összegét. Eközben, a versenyző élete különböző irányt vett, Viktor még mindig győztesnek van kikiáltva, és fellépései, reklámok és koncertjei által továbbra is nagy előnyökre tesz szert, így az a mondás, hogy a bűn nem fizetődik ki, rá és a családjára, sem a Megasztárra és stb. nem vonatkozik – és a bírók továbbra is bírók maradtak. A Megasztár egy jottányit sem változott, kivéve talán abban, hogy ha bármikor is lehetőség adódna erre, megváltoztatná a csalási taktikáját. A cikk, ami találtam, azt sem említi, hogy előzetesen már folytattak vizsgálatokat afelől, hogy a show régebbi epizódjai alatt történt-e bundázás.

Tényleg bűzlik valami! Az a sejtésem, hogy az összes ilyen típusú show műsorban, ahol betelefonálással lehet szavazni, beleértve X-Faktort, Való Világot, Maradj a Talpont, stb. előre le vannak osztva a lapok és a szavazóik többsége tragikusan csak a vállukat rántják erre. A nézőik többsége és a magyar közönség úgy általában érzéketlen ezekre a dolgokra, amelyek engem foglalkoztatnak, és inkább engem támadnak, mint hogy a nagyközönség számára  kifejezésre juttassák a véleményüket ezzel a kérdéssel kapcsolatban. Miközben (mivel ez a cikk a Lüszi jelenséggel foglalkozik, a témánál maradok) Lüszi (és valószínűleg mások is) ennek aldozataivá válnak, olyan módon, hogy korukból kifolyólag nem is érthetik meg, és képzelhetik el miért és azt sem értik, hogy ezzel mekkora szutyokba süllyedhetnek. Szégyen a Megasztárra! Szégyen az úgynevezett médiára! Szégyen mindazokra, akik közönségként birkaszellemben támogatják ezeket a közösségi mocskokat!

Visszakapják pénzüket a Megasztár 4 hoppon maradt szavazói:

Például, a döntő vége felé 10 pont különbség volt a feljövő Fekete Dávid és Király Viktor között, amikor leesett az álarc a sziluettekről, az előzőleg bemutatott kifejezés jelent meg az arcokon, Dávid arca előtűnt kitőrő lelkelsedéssel 10 ponttal megelőzve Viktort, még akkor is, ha a legtöbben Viktor arcát várták elsőként, vagy azért mert kedvelték, vagy azért elhitték a szóbeszédet. Azonban,  az inga öt, hét percen belűl száznyolcvan fokos fordulatot tett Viktor javára ezek után, Dávidot láthatóan megrökönyödve hagyván, de nem megdöbbenve, és a bírók pedig szó nélkül maradtak, a közönség meg csöndesen magába fordult az este hátralevő részében. Ez azt jelentette, hogy a százalék 20 ponttal megváltozott percek alatt, ami csak úgy történhetett meg, ha csak egy maréknyi ember szavazott. Viktor testbeszéde szintén erre utalt, ahogy a különbség gyorsan csökkent közöttük másodszorra is, a csere után. Még többet is mondhatnék ezzel kapcsolatban, de haladjunk tovább!

Ha megvesztegetés történt, Király Viktort ki kellett volna zárni a versenyből, csak Fekete Dávidot és a majdnem teljesen elfelejtett Lakatos Krisztiánt hagyván Lüszi útjában. Nem igazán emlékszem Krisztiánra, habár azt tudom, hogy kedves srácnak tűnt, nem volt kivételes tehetség és nem volt olyan marketing startégiája, amely megmutatkozhatott volna a későbbiekben, úgy éreztem Lüszit azzal a kifogással űzték el a versenyből, hogy túl fiatal még, ahhoz, hogy nyerjen, úgy is mondhatnám a marslakók nyelvén, hogy „ egy gyereknek nem szabad, hogy túl közel kerüljön ahhoz, hogy megnyerjen egy ilyen versenyt” – „gyerekek versenyezzenek egymással” „felnőttek versengjenek felnőttekkel” ez az elfogadott szabály ezen a környéken. A marslakók nyelvében ez azt is jelenti, hogy „Túl irígyek vagyunk” – ezért az eltávolításával Dávid és Lüszi fej fej mellettt álltak volna, ezzel a barátság félre lett volna téve, és meg kellett volna küzdeniük egymással.

Két választás volt: egy 13 éves,  még csak serdülő, nem számít, hogy mennyire kedvelted őt, a hangja még nem fejlődhetett ki teljesen a növekedés biológiai, általa nem befolyásolható, tényezői miatt, vagy a 22 éves Fekete Dávid, aki jól énekelt, de senki sem tagadhatja, hogy a hangja inkább egy musical színpadra volt megfelelő, mint a szélesebb közönség számára, mint Lüszi. Tehát félretéve azt, hogy mennyire kedvelted Dávidot, ő inkább egy válogatott közönséghez szólt, amíg Lüszi szélesebb közönséget tudott megszólítani. Továbbá, ugyan én eddig nem tanulmányoztam alaposan Dávid előadói karrierjét, de azt tudom, hogy Lüszi sikerre teremtetett. Ő volt akkor is a kedvencem és még most is az. Látod, hogy mennyire könnyű volt levonni azt a következtetést számomra, hogy Lüszinek kellettt volna nyernie, ha minden igazságos lenne a szerelemben és a „éneklésben”?   

Nos, az a meggyőződésem, hogy úgy kellett történnie, hogy alattomos és kerülő utakon Viktor apja megvette fia győzelmét. Azt is hiszem, hogy a Megasztár ügyintézés, Lüszit arra az út felé irányította, hogy kikerüljön a közfigyelemből rövid úton. 2008. nov. 18-án (a klub oldalunkra fel van töltve) Lüszi édesanyja elmagyarázta a Lüszi ellenében történt elfogultság kiindító okát egy interjúban Joshi Bharattal, a Joshi Bharat showban. A show folyamán, a versenyzők egy házban szálltak meg, ahol minden versenyző külön lakosztályt kapott, a lányok saját szobát, kivéve Lüszit és édesanyját, akiket arra kényszerítettek, hogy a nappaliban aludjanak megfosztva a nyugalomtól és az alvás lehetőségétől. A provokációra még egy példa, amikor egy bulvárlaptól jöttek interjú készíteni a Megasztár versenyzőivel és mindegyikőjüknek feltették azt a kérdést, hogy kit kedvelnek a csapatból, mindenki megnevezett valakit, de senki se választotta Lüszit. Amikor Lüszit kérdezték azt válaszolta, hogy mindenkit egyformán szeret csapatból, erre fől a bulvárlap megjelentetett egy cíkket azzal a címmel, „senki se szereti Lüszit”. A tv-2 sohasem javította ki ezt a helytelen elnevezést.

Az összes bíró különösen kemény kritikálval illette Lüszit, és még akkor is, ha közülük Fenyő Miklós volt a legenyhébb, neki is volt egy-két kemény hozzáfűzése. Azonban, a legkeményebb kritikusa Friderikusz volt. Ő vette ahhoz a bátorságot, hogy megkérdezze tőle: „Te a magyar Brittney (Spears) szeretné lenni?” A t.v. erre ugrott és a hasonlat megjelent a ( Mindezek ellenére, Lüszi egy bájos, ragyogó tehetségű hölggyé vált, az egyik legtehetségesebb, és legcsinosabb akivel valaha találkoztam! Mosolyogj továbbra is Lüszi!

Így kétségkívül a Megasztár évadjain és más közönség szavazatokon alapuló show műsorokon keresztül, azt láthatjuk, hogy az öszinteséget inkább megvetik, mint értékelik, és a nyertesek biztosan gyakran előre eldőlnek, a szavazatokra tekintet nélkül. Mi magyarok úgy neveljünk a gyerekeinket, hogy a csalás művészetét tanulják meg, nem azt, hogyan kell tisztességesen játszani.

Az emberek megvetették a Lüszi anyukáját, azért mert a kislányával maradt ahelyett, hogy az egyedül hagyta volna egy házban tele felnőttekkel, köztük felnőtt férfiakkal. Az emberek megvetették a szeretetett anya és lánya között, és három évvel később a saját tanítványaim (nem csak egy) kifigurázta mindekettőjüket, úgy tűnt mintha a média csápjai még ma is áthatolna a fejükön. Még mostanában is, a média savas megjegyzéseket tesz Lüszi első videójáról “I Feel Happy” – teljesen indokolatlanul; Renaud, Lüszi francia producere így reagál erre: “Where’s your video”? Na és hol van a ti videófelvételetek?

Egyenesen megkérdeztem a diákomat, “utálod Lüszit?” És Ő azt mondta, “Igen.” Aztán megkérdeztem tőle, hogy vajon ismeri-e? Azt mondta, hogy “nem”. Azt kérdeztem, hogy mikor látta őt. Azt mondta, hogy a 2008-as Megasztár idején. Azt kérdeztem tőle, hogy utálsz egy olyan 13 éves gyereket, akivel nem is találkoztál és utoljára 3 éve láttad a képernyőn? Erre ismét azt mondta, “Igen, sok ember utálja.” (A diákom idősebb nálam, én 54 éves vagyok.) Azt magyarázta, hogy mindenki azt gondolta az anyja egy k….. Erre én azt mondtam, hogy mindenki ezt gondolta mert a lánya szereti az édesanyját és az édesanyja nem akarja, hogy Lüszi egyedül maradjon egy halom férfivel, felnőttel egy házban az ő korában? Azt mondta “Igen.” Nem szükséges mondani, hogy végül is elértem, hogy bevallja, hogy nem ismeri Lüszit, és megpróbáltam meggyőzni arról, hogy helyén valóbb lenne, a zenei izlésétől függetlenül, ha azt mondaná, hogy “nem ismerem” azt is szükségtelen megjegyeznem, hogy ez az angol óra nem tartozott a legsikeresebbek közé, de mivek kiválóan oktatom a kommunikációt, ezért logikus érvelést is kell tanítsak, amely úgy tűnik, hogy hiányzott mind a Megasztár adminisztrátorokból és mind az én diákomból.

Van egy régi magyar történet a parasztról, akinek elpusztul a tehene. Isten megjelenik számára és azt mondja, hogy vissza szeretné neki adni a tehenét. A magyar paraszt erre azt válaszolja ő inkább azt szeretné látni, hogy a szomszéd tehene is elpusztuljon.


Mi is van emögött: Sajnálatosan, mi, mint nemzet azt aratjuk, amint vetettünk, és a gyermekeink is azt eszik, amit mi ültetünk és termelünk nekik (általában, egy nemzet egysége). Hagy kezdjem egy roved történettel. Hogy ne kanyarodjak el a témától, de külföldiként úgy gondolom, hogy fontos, hogy kicsit visszamenjünk az időben, azért, hogy próbáljuk megérteni azt az utat, amit ez a nemzet járt be ezidáig, vagy legalább is egy media szervezet, hogyan szed rá egy 13 évest és éri el azt, hogy bemocskoltnak és szégyenteljesnek érezze magát, azt, aki valójában csak énekelni és versenyezni akart, mint minden más versenyző. Kérlek Benneteket, hogy kövessétek a következő gondolatsort velem együtt, és néhány idevágó részletet, mielőtt a magyarázatra rátérnék. A résztelek taglalásánal, elkerülnék néhány egyszerű gondolatmenetet, amely azt jelentheti, hogy nem vagyok ahhoz eléggé magyar, hogy megértsem a dolgokat, vagy azt, hogy a tények, amiket felhozok, nem mindig helyénvalóak. Arra figyelmeztettek, hogy ezt a részt haggyam ki, de mégis úgy döntöttem, hogy szükséges belefoglaljam, mert gyakran felbosszant ez a nagy magyar nemzeti öntudat.

Written in the National Anthem and taken solace in misfortune, Hungarians struggle as a whole to feel whole, to perpetrate a “wisdom” that to me seems so narrow in scope. The media, the elitists, and those with an agenda are at the very foundation of this struggle against warm-hearted individuals who would just rather live free, and happily, rather than watch, and be a part of, “reality shows” that are nothing but real.

As Hungary’s history shows, we as a nation make an excessive number of mistakes, with the demise of freedoms and sovereignty and capital, we are inevitably passing these long strings of negative traits onto future generations. How did we get here?

Ok, on to the History lesson:
On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead in Sarajevo, by Gavrilo Princip, one of a group of six Bosnian Serb assassins coordinated by Danilo Ilić. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was an advocate of increased federalism  and widely believed to favor triadism, under which Austria-Hungary would be reorganized by combining the Slavic lands within the Austro-Hungarian empire into a third crown. A Slavic kingdom could have been a bulwark against Serb irredentism and Franz Ferdinand was therefore perceived as a threat by those same irredentists.

At the top of these Serbian military conspirators was Chief of Serbian Military Intelligence Dragutin Dimitrijević, his right hand man Major Vojislav Tankosić, and Masterspy Rade Malobabić. Major Tankosić armed (with bombs and pistols) and trained assassins, were given access to the same clandestine tunnel of safe-houses and agents that Rade Malobabić used for the infiltration of weapons and operatives into Austria-Hungary.

The Congress of Berlin (13 June – 13 July 1878) was a meeting of the leading statesmen of Europe's Great Powers and the Ottoman Empire (an Islamic empire). In the wake of the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) that ended with a decisive victory for Russia and her Orthodox Christian allies (subjects of the Ottoman Empire before the war) in the Balkan peninsula, the urgent need was to stabilize and reorganize the Balkans, and set up new nations. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who led the Congress, undertook to adjust boundaries to minimize the risks of major war, while recognizing the reduced power of the Ottomans, and balance the distinct interests of the great powers.

As a result, Ottoman holdings in Europe declined sharply; Bulgaria was established as an independent principality inside the Ottoman Empire, but was not allowed to keep all its previous territory. Bulgaria lost Eastern Rumelia, which was restored to the Turks under a special administration; and Macedonia, which was returned outright to the Turks, who promised reform. Romania achieved full independence, but had to turn over part of Bessarabia to Russia. Serbia and Montenegro finally gained complete independence, but with smaller territories.

In 1878, Austria-Hungary unilaterally occupied the Ottoman provinces of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Novi Pazar, but the Ottoman government contested this move and maintained its troops in both provinces. The stalemate lasted for 30 years (Austrian and Ottoman forces coexisted in Bosnia and Novi Pazar for three decades) until 1908, when the Austrians took advantage of the political turmoil in the Ottoman Empire that stemmed from the Young Turk Revolution and annexed Bosnia-Herzegovina, but pulled their troops out of Novi Pazar in order to reach a compromise and avoid a war with the Turks.

Under the 1878 Treaty of Berlin, Austria-Hungary received the mandate to occupy and administer the Ottoman Vilayet of Bosnia while the Ottoman Empire retained official sovereignty. Under this same treaty, the Great Powers (Austria-Hungary, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Ottoman Empire and Russia) gave official recognition to the Kingdom of Serbia as a fully sovereign state. Initially, Serbia’s monarchs were content to reign within the borders set by the treaty.

This changed in 1903 when Serbian military officers led by Dragutin Dimitrijević stormed the Serbian Royal Palace. After a fierce battle in the dark the attackers captured General Laza Petrović, head of the Palace Guard, and forced him to reveal the hiding place of King Alexander Obrenović and his wife Queen Draga. The King and Queen opened the door from their hiding place. The King was shot thirty times; the Queen eighteen. MacKenzie writes: "The royal corpses were then stripped and brutally sabred." The attackers threw the corpses of King Alexander and Queen Draga out of a palace window, ending any threat that loyalists would mount a counter attack." General Petrović was then killed too (Vojislav Tankosić organized the murders of Queen Draga's brothers; Dimitrijević and Tankosić in 1913–1914 figure prominently in the plot to assassinate Franz Ferdinand). The conspirators installed Peter I of the House of Karađorđević as the new king.

The new dynasty was more nationalistic, more friendly to Russia and less friendly to Austria-Hungary. Over the next decade, disputes between Serbia and its neighbors erupted as Serbia moved to build its power and gradually reclaim its 14th-century empire. These conflicts included a customs dispute with Austria-Hungary beginning in 1906 (commonly referred to as the "Pig War"), the Bosnian crisis of 1908–1909 where Serbia assumed an attitude of protest over Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (ending in Serbian acquiescence without compensation in March 1909), and finally the two Balkan Wars of 1912–1913 where Serbia conquered Macedonia and Kosovo from the Ottoman Empire.

Serbia's military successes and Serbian outrage over the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina emboldened nationalistic elements in Serbia and Serbs in Austria-Hungary who chafed under Austro-Hungarian rule and whose nationalist sentiments were stirred by Serbian "cultural" organizations. In the five years prior to 1914, lone assassins – mostly Serbian citizens of Austria-Hungary – made a series of unsuccessful assassination attempts in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina against Austro-Hungarian officials. The assassins received sporadic support from Serbia.

Needless to say, the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was the spark that triggered World War I.  The Austro-Hungarians opted to take the opportunity to stamp its authority upon the Serbians, crushing the nationalist movement there and cementing Austria-Hungary's influence in the Balkans.

In 1918, as a political result of German defeat on the Western front in World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy collapsed. The First Republic was proclaimed on 16 November 1918 with Károlyi being named as president. Károlyi tried to build Hungary as the " Eastern Switzerland " and persuade non-Hungarian minorities - Slovaks, Romanians, Ruthenians to stay loyal to the country, offering them autonomy; however, these efforts came too late. By a notion of Woodrow Wilson's pacifism, Károlyi ordered the full disarmament of the Hungarian army. Hungary remained without a national defense in the darkest hour of its history. Surrounding countries started to arm. On 5 November 1918 Serbian Army with French involvement attacked Southern parts of the country, on 8 November Czechoslovak Army attacked Northern part of Hungary, on 2 December Romanian Army started to attack the eastern (Transylvanian) parts of Hungary. The Károlyi government pronounced illegal all armed associations and proposals which wanted to defend the integrity of the country. The Károlyi government's measures failed to stem popular discontent, especially when the Entente powers began distributing slices of Hungary's traditional territory to Romania, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia, giving more priority to ethnic claims ( Slovaks, Ruthenians, Romanians )than historical rights of the traditional Hungarian kingdom. French and Serbian forces occupied the southern parts of Hungary.

By February 1919 the government had lost all popular support, having failed on domestic and military fronts. On 21 March after the Entente military representative demanded more and more territorial concessions from Hungary ( Vix´s note ), Károlyi signed all concessions and resigned.

When the Romanians evacuated Budapest in November 1919, Regent Miklós Horthy entered at the head of the National Army. The Hungarian Communist Party was banned, and in 1920 Horthy was declared Regent and Head of State, a position he held until his deposition in October 1944. Horthy refused to step down when the legitimate King of Hungary, Karl IV, attempted to regain his throne on two occasions. He allowed Hungary's White Terror to persist at first but eventually shut it down and imprisoned a few extremists among the anti-communists.

The Kingdom of Hungary (Hungarian: Magyar Királyság) also known as the Regency, existed from 1920 to 1946 and was a de facto country under Horthy. Horthy officially represented the abdicated Hungarian monarchy of Charles IV, Apostolic King of Hungary. Attempts by Charles IV to return to the throne were prevented by threats of war from neighboring countries and by the lack of support from Horthy (see the conflict of Charles IV with Miklós Horthy).

The Kingdom of Hungary under Horthy was an Axis Power during most of World War II. In 1944, Hungary was occupied by Nazi Germany, and Horthy was deposed. The Arrow Cross Party's leader Ferenc Szálasi established a new Nazi-backed government, effectively turning Hungary into a German puppet state. During the late spring and summer, the Germans forced the roundup and deportation of hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews to their extermination camps, where most died.

A conservative who was distinctly inclined toward the right of the political spectrum (my notes: What does “right” mean? I’ve been asking this for 10 years and have yet to hear an adequate answer. And by the way, Hitler WAS NOT ON THE RIGHT! – Whatever it is purported to mean!), he guided Hungary through the years between the two world wars, and into an alliance with Nazi Germany, in exchange for the restoration of some of the Hungarian territories lost by the Treaty of Trianon. The chief motivation is often believed to have been fear of the Soviets, who in any outcome of Russian success could threaten Hungary.

In April 1941, Hungary entered World War II as an ally of Germany. But Horthy's faltering allegiance to his German patron eventually led the Nazis to invade and take control of the country with Operation Margarethe in March 1944. In October 1944, Horthy announced that Hungary would surrender and withdraw from the Axis. He was forced to resign, placed under arrest and taken to Bavaria; at war's end he came under the custody of U.S. troops. (After appearing as a witness at the Nuremberg war-crimes trials in 1948, Horthy settled and lived out his remaining years in Portugal. His memoirs, Ein Leben für Ungarn (A Life for Hungary), were published in German in 1953, and an English translation appeared three years later.)

So contrary to popular Hungarian belief, the 21 year-period between the two World Wars (1918-1939), was not great for Hungary, Two national traumas immediately following the First World War profoundly shaped the spirit and future of the Hungarian nation. The first was the loss, as dictated by the Entente powers, of large portions of Hungarian territory that had bordered other countries. These were lands which had been Hungary's as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; they were carved away by the Allies and ceded to the nations of Czechoslovakia, Romania, Austria and Yugoslavia. The excisions, eventually ratified in the Treaty of Trianon  at Versailles, cost Hungary two-thirds of its territory and one-third of its native Hungarian speakers, and dealt the population a terrible psychological blow. The second trauma in some sense sprang from the first: in March 1919, after the first proto-democratic efforts at government in Hungary faltered, Communist Béla Kun seized power in the capital of Budapest.

World War II
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy sought to enforce peacefully the claims of Hungarians on territories Hungary lost in 1920 with the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, and the two Vienna Awards returned parts of Czechoslovakia and Transylvania to Hungary.

On 20 November 1940 under pressure from Germany, Pál Teleki affiliated Hungary with the Tripartite Pact. In December 1940, he also signed an ephemeral "Treaty of Eternal Friendship" with Yugoslavia. A few months later, after a Yugoslavian coup threatened the success of the planned German invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa), Hitler asked the Hungarians to support his invasion of Yugoslavia. He promised to return some former Hungarian territories lost after World War I in exchange for cooperation. Unable to prevent Hungary's participation in the war alongside Germany, Teleki committed suicide. The right-wing radical László Bárdossy (What is “right wing”? In America it means something very different, and in Europe, it seems that few people, if any, know what this term means, which would surely disparage Hitler from such propaganda. The Nazis and the Communists were one in the same in ideology. The one obvious difference was that Hitler divided people by race, whereas the Soviets divided them by class, as a general rule, but they cooperated with each other) succeeded him as Prime Minister. Eventually Hungary annexed small parts of present day Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia.

The People's Republic of Hungary or Hungarian People's Republic (Hungarian: Magyar Népköztársaság) was the official state name of Hungary from 1949 to 1989 during its Communist period under the guidance of the Soviet Union.

Following the "liberation" of Hungary from Nazi Germany by the Red Army, Soviet military occupation ensued. After seizing most material assets from German hands, the Soviets tried and managed, to a certain extent, to control Hungarian political affairs. By coercion through force, when the Red Army set up police organs to persecute the opposition, assuming this would enable the Soviet Union to seize the upcoming elections, to intense communist propaganda in an attempt to legitimize their rule. The Hungarian Communist Party, despite all the efforts, was trounced, receiving only 17% of votes, by a coalition government under Prime Minister Zoltán Tildy, thus frustrating Soviet expectations of ruling through a democratically elected government.

The Soviet Union, however, intervened through force once again, resulting in a puppet government that disregarded Tildy, placed communists in important ministerial positions, and imposed several restrictive measures, like banning the victorious coalition government and forcing it to yield the Interior Ministry to a nominee of the Hungarian Communist Party.

Communist Interior Minister László Rajk established the ÁVH secret police, in an effort to suppress political opposition through intimidation, false accusations, imprisonment and torture. In early 1947, the Soviet Union pressed Hungarian leader Mátyás Rákosi, famous for his use of salami tactics, to take a "line of more pronounced class struggle."

The People's Republic of Hungary was formed thereafter. The same political dynamics continued through the years, with the Soviet Union pressing and maneuvering Hungarian politics through the Hungarian Communist Party, intervening whenever it needed to, through military coercion and covert operations. Hungarian communist László Rajk (who was later executed) called it "a dictatorship of the proletariat without the Soviet form" called a "people's democracy." Hungary stayed that way until the late 1980's, when turmoil broke out across the Eastern Bloc, culminating with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union's dissolution.

The saga continues from 1989 to present-day – Transition to Western-style democracy:
Now victory and freedom were in our grasps and we saw it, we experienced it, we tasted it, and them we snuffed it out like a bad case of fleas; the light of freedom, well, simply put, we stamped it out with the flick of the switch, and freedom slipped from our clutches once again!

It is said that Hungary's transition to a Western-style democracy was one of the smoothest among the former Soviet bloc. (In 2011 research showed that Hungary was the second most corrupt European country behind Russia; so, this Wikipedia story-line may want to be updated. That’s funny, because I’ve never considered Russia to be a part of Europe.) By late 1988, activists within the party and bureaucracy and Budapest-based intellectuals were increasing pressure for change. Some of these became reformist social democrats, while others began movements which were to develop into parties. Young liberals formed the Federation of Young Democrats (Fidesz (Remember that earlier we read that the Soviets wanted to bring about communism through “democratically elected” means, which didn’t work – so it is not through democracy shall we obtain freedom, but by through principle); a core from the so-called Democratic Opposition formed the Association of Free Democrats (SZDSZ), and the national opposition established the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF). Nationalist movements, such as the Jobbik, reappeared after a rapid decline in nationalist sentiment following the establishment of the People's Republic. Civic activism intensified to a level not seen since the 1956 revolution.

In 1988, Kádár was replaced as General Secretary of the Communist Party, and reform communist leader Imre Pozsgay was admitted to the Politburo, which was the former central policy-making and governing body of the Communist party of the Soviet Union and, with minor variations, of other Communist parties. In 1989, the Parliament adopted a "democracy package", which included trade union pluralism; freedom of association, assembly, and the press; a new electoral law; and in October 1989 a radical revision of the constitution, among others. A Central Committee plenum in February 1989 endorsed in principle the multiparty political system and the characterization of the October 1956 revolution as a "popular uprising", in the words of Pozsgay, whose reform movement had been gathering strength as Communist Party membership declined dramatically. Kádár's major political rivals then cooperated to move the country gradually to Western-style democracy.

The Soviet Union reduced its involvement by signing an agreement in April 1989 to withdraw Soviet forces by June 1991. In my opinion, and as facts and figures on the ground show, this, my friends, was a lie; here you have the very same communists and Hungarians who don’t believe in “that” communism, but in “this” socialism (which equals communism) making reforms to the constitution, which appears to be nearly completely cosmetic – and few can deny they still own the media in most every fashion.

In October 1989, the Communist Party convened its last congress and re-established itself as the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP). In a historic session on October 16–20, 1989, the Parliament adopted legislation providing for multiparty parliamentary elections and a direct presidential election. The legislation transformed Hungary from a People's Republic into the Republic of Hungary, guaranteed human and civil rights (but not economic rights, according to free market principles, meaning, if you don’t follow the rules, we’ll punish you in a different way), and created an institutional structure that ensures separation of powers among the judicial, executive, and legislative branches of government (which have nearly all been useless and dissolved since – of what remains to be a shell of something that may have once looked like something). On the day of the 1956 Revolution, October 23, the Hungarian Republic was officially declared (by the provisional President of the Republic Mátyás Szűrös), replacing the Hungarian People's Republic. The revised constitution also championed the "values of bourgeois democracy and democratic socialism (and democratic socialism is a marketing term. A.K.A. Communism in disguise)" and gave equal status to public and private property – so it is said! I’m not sure about the other countries, but if this is at all true, I wouldn’t want to be in the other countries either.

The facts about who has been controlling us since 1989:
Name                      Term of Office                                   Political Party            Cabinet                     Assembly
Miklós Németh      23 October 1989 - 23 May 1990         MSZMP                      Németh, MSZMP
(Hungary’s Socialist Party – A.K.A. Hungary’s Communist Party) The principles of socialism and communism are exactly the same. Read “Climategate” by Brian Sussman, or many, many other books to verify this fact. It’s not just my notion!

József Antall          23 May 1990 - 12 December 1993     MDF               Antall, MDF–FKGP–KDNP  1 (1990)
(It’s difficult to find the history of this party, but I did find that the EPP (Environmental Protection Agency) suspended MDF from the EU, which is a good thing because the EPP is a communist system of taxation that doesn’t seem to be in favor of protecting the environment in any substantive or economical way – it’s about taxes and spreading the wealth.) MDF was my favorite from what I understand about it, but after reading on, especially about the players in the party, I’m more confused.

Péter Boross          12 December 1993 - 15 July 1994      MDF               Boross, MDF–EKGP–KDNP 1 (1990)
(Acting until 21 December)
(Promoted the Bokros Lajos package: It was a 12 point plan, to save the economy, which on the surface seemed doable from what I’ve heard, though I must admit I haven’t yet read it because it’s not easy to find.) However, Wikipedia reports that: Lajos Bokros is one of the leading economists in Hungary. He was minister of finance from March 1, 1995, to February 29, 1996, when he resigned. Apparently he had threatened to resign before; every time his advice was not taken his inclination was to step down. Just to give an idea of his mercurial temperament: in 1990 it took him only two months as a member of parliament to be fed up with politics. He resigned. He may have been spot on as an economist, but was weak on politics. What happened to his support base, and why couldn’t he rally more troops to back him is anyone’s guess.

Gyula Horn           15 July 1994 - 8 July 1998                  MSZP             Horn,   MSZP–SZDSZ             2 (1994)
(MSZP is the successor of the communist Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (or MSZMP) and has strong ties to the old system of government.
The “Same shit, different party name”.

Viktor Orbán        8 July 1998 - 27 May 2002                                         Orbán I, Fidesz–FKGP–MDF 3 (1998)
(FIDESZ – translated means the Alliance of Young Democratics. They have one principle: control. No significant plan, and no principles, but Órban is a dictator in my opinion, and some call him “Little Napoleon”. 

Péter Medgyessy   27 May 2002 - 29 September 2004     Independent    Medgyessy, MSZP–SZDSZ      4 (2002)
(Resigned and fed-up after 2 long years. Some people like him a lot, but remember, MSZP = the old Soviet Communist Party!!
The “Same shit, different party name”.

Ferenc Gyurcsány            29 September 2004 - 14 April 2009    MSZP             GyurcsányI,MSZP–SZDSZ,4/5(2002/6). Loaded an administration that was involved with pillaging the country’s coffers (along with FIDESZ).
The “Same shit, different party name”.
Gyurcsány II, MSZP–SZDSZ  5 (2006)
Gordon Bajnai      14 April 2009 - 29 May 2010             Independent    Bajnai, MSZP                            5 (2006)
He has been my favorite to date, though his policies are wrong. Hand picked by MSZP’s Ferenc Gyurcsány, and they have long ties. Is more independent, however, and was more serious in solving real issues. As an independent, he moved independently and was making real changes, but the people fired him because he was hand picked by Gyurcsány, whose administration was involved in countless scandals. He had already explained that he wasn’t going to be running when the elections came up, and the successor would have been, none other than a MSZP member.
The “Same shit, different party name”.

Viktor Orbán        29 May 2010 - Incumbent                  Fidesz              Fidesz–KDNP                           6 (2010)
(To date, this guy has devalued the Hungarian currency, created despair and frustrations that his predecessors had never even done, has created higher unemployment, a higher exodus from Hungary, more entitlement programs, and much higher taxes, although it is said that the he has reduced the deficit. He ran on the opposite of what he is doing because “things look more serious”, even though he had been in parliament for the past decades and should have know. The scary part is that many feel that we do need higher taxes than what he’s proposing. It is my estimate that Hungarians are sending 75-85 percent of everything they earn to the central government. He’s big on changing road signs, and statues, but little on sound economic principles. After contemplating a label for Mr. Órban, one of my financial-expert students labeled him as a National Socialist, which is the same title given to no other than Adolf Hitler.  Hmm.

Ok, (leaving my country the USA aside – I’m not arguing that right now :P), what does this have to do with Lüszi? Well, the abuse of a nation. The corruption and dysfunctional society preys on talents that are exceptional. The media and radio and the administrations that have been spawned out of this history are designed to make our residents stupid, dependent, and to humiliate, if it suits their purposes, the purposes of which are mostly to gain profits, favoritisms, and to dumb down our society so that controlling the populace becomes easier. It’s the Hungary culture, “for better or for worse” -mostly worse. It doesn’t matter what your age or purpose. Moral and ethical values are voided if they don’t serve our interests of self-righteous indignation.

So although Lüszi won’t and probably shouldn’t protest the absurdities I’ve seen others propogate on her behalf, I will! This is regardless of what she, her parents, and Renaud Schmitt (Lüszi’s debut music producer) think. I am outraged because Lüszi is one of the finest singers, and finest young ladies I’ve met. Although I encourage her to do and learn more than just singing, which she is doing, singing is a part of her soul and identity, and it is worth listening to her, and watching her develop.


The same good ol’ boy mentality that is washed in every part of our society would like to crush a young girl’s dreams to sing because she “should have recognized” the critical ventures of the likes of Friderikusz, Tv-2, Király Viktor’s family, and on and on?

Looking at the larger picture, I saw the fire in Lüszi’s eyes and the concentration of a winner when she performed; natural, gracious, articulate and more clever than most teenagers her age when she decides to be. So in looking back at Megasztár 4, in my eyes, she was the best of the four, and in my eyes, she still is – and many of us aren’t going to see you take that away from her.

Let me tell you about Lüszi. Lüszi has one of the warmest hearts you’ll ever find. She’s also quite pretty. There are many things about her I envy too, but those things I envy about her I’d more likely want to emulate rather than take them away from this darling young precious lady. Her talents are every bit as good as the biggest names super stars in Hungary or elsewhere. I encourage her to do all that she’d like to but she doesn’t have to “write and rehearse and perform a song within hours” if she doesn’t want to. She can do whatever it is she wants, when she wants, and however she wants. And Lüszi has truly become her own woman!

Well, let’s look at it further. Rumor also has it, and articles confirm it that Lüszi’s career is in Király Viktor’s father’s hands. Could it be that Lüszi’s future swings in the balance of the very person who cheated her during the first game? Could it be that Lüszi must play second fiddle to Király Viktor, who literally “stole the show”? That’s not a very comfortable position to be in, but one that I can relate to all so well. (Hungary has recently been reported to be the most corrupt country in Europe second to Russia. What an interesting report that was because I didn’t ever consider Russia to be a part of Europe.)

On Friday, August 5th at 10:20 am, I received a call from Mrs. Tóth who said that she and Lüszi will be coming to see me in the afternoon – she was a little curious as to what an old guy wants with her daughter. Finally at 3 pm. they arrived with Mutyi, Lüszi’s dog. I showed them my Englsh communications facilities (flat / office – nothing special :D) and then we sat and had a light-hearted conversation, Lüszi and her mother sang a few songs, and Lüszi showed me just how clever her dog was. I found Lüszi to be every bit as talented and charming as I had expected. She is as beautiful inside as she is outside, and I have found her heart and cleverness to be larger and more secure than I had originally imagined. Since then, I’ve visited them and have talked to them on occasion and I wish them the best.

Going back to the beginning, to support Lüszi, a young lady who I felt was the best, but was also derided by many so-called “adults” during and after the competition, I bought her CD as soon as it came on the market, and I’m very happy with my purchase. You see, Lüszi had found a Frenchman Renaud Schmitt, and together with Renaud’s Hungarian girlfriend, they produced a great CD that includes many original songs, a team of professionals developed the music, Lüszi sings a duet with Jean-lin Scherrer, a Frenchman, someone did up her hair and make up, they inserted a small pamphlet with well constructed professional photographs and the lyrics of every song – most seem to be original songs (7 English, 2 Hungarian, 1 French). Lüszi has developed well and is quite professional. In my opinion, Lüszi comes second to none.

Her singing ability, her smile and charisma matches or surpasses the likes of Vastag Csaba, Ruzsa Magda, Janicsák Veca, Tolvai Renáta, and Patai Anna, and even other established Hungarian singers in every way, whether her style of music is to your liking or not. Hungary is like a click though, so if you’re not in the click, your chances are less than if you were. I’m not sure where Lüszi falls into the line-up, but I would like to help her to become recognized internationally in a small way, especially if Hungary as a whole doesn’t recognize her and support her as they should – and should have already.

I’ve offered to help Lüszi learn English, and in other ways. Why? Because she’s my favorite and because I can relate to being in this situation, as it has happened to me. I don’t know Lüszi well enough to know her plans – though I do know she still intends to sing, and I do know I can help her with her English language skills, her communication skills and management (of herself) style.

So, why did I create this club? Over time, you will understand the answers to this question, because it’s not a simple one to answer. There are more reasons than what I’ve just stated. For one, I had found numerous fake Lüszi Facebook accounts, which made a simple guy like me “go crazy” after I had found out that I had been communicating for two months with a fraud; I simply wanted to direct others to the CD, and “Lüszi”, who wasn’t Lüszi at all; it became an embarrassment after I realized that all of my supportive friends were at the wrong place, talking to a fraud. I simply wanted to support her, as any satisfied customer often would for an aspiring talent, or any other start-up company, but I found it impossible. I also knew that the CD sales were dismal and I didn’t see a good reason for it. On Facebook there were 14 fake Lüszis (those numbers have dwindled significantly due to my efforts), and a “Let’s Kill Tóth Lüszi” page. Seeing that, and already being nervous and angry about her situation, I saw an uphill battle that Lüszi couldn’t, in all likelihood, tackle on her own.

As an English teacher – she would certainly need English to go international, a communications instructor, and a business consultant, I felt I could rally people behind her, to promote her talents, and to watch this young flower bloom - a small effort for a young aspiring and professional singer, who I think is just precious.

Finally, after painstaking research, and some inquiries I made to Renaud, I found the real Lüszi. Lüszi and I thereafter soon began corresponding by writing notes to each other. I corrected her English and she corrected my Hungarian; we started our relationship trying to understand the written text of the other – she doesn’t know English well, and my Hungarian isn’t always in a form that Hungarians can understand. We also had a few disputes – ha, it doesn’t matter what they were about. Once I quit, then she kicked me off, and now I am her Facebook friend again – and to stay! Even still, after other unrelated developments took place, I was provoked into standing up for her, and standing by her side, even though she initially said she didn’t care for it. We’re now “the best of friends”.

Unrelated incidents indeed! I was perturbed! - so much so that I opened this club up at the end of May, 2011, and just before Renaud left Facebook, he volunteered and joined Lüszi to this soon-to-be popular “Tóth Lüszi’s Dream to Sing Fan Club” that I created – it wouldn’t be the same without her. She didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but now she visits us regularly.

The beginning of our relationship was a bit tempestuous, but I’ve never lost faith in her and now I hope that this club can prove beneficial toward her “dreams to sing”, and set the record straight regarding wanton character assassinations that antagonize it – and me – us!  If by chance Lüszi reaches my age and benefits from my efforts, she can do the same for someone else. Lüszi is as exemplary a starlet as any other recently produced in Hungary, and I would like others to see it.

In my country, a young talent who is so brave to go onto such a large stage, especially a talent who does actually have talent, would have undeniably received so much applause and encouragement as ever.

Can you imagine 14 (or more) fake Tóth Lüszis (the number is dynamic), all pretending to be the real McCoy, pretending to “share” her most intimate thoughts, swearing, talking about daily routines, putting up inappropriate photos and so forth? To say the least, all of the Lüszis blogs are ambivalent, disheartening, and in some cases, frightening (at least from a marketing standpoint). Some of their sites are attractive, however, but why don’t they just claim to be a helping hand or something? And now that I’ve been telling people that they are friends with a fake and encouraging people to come to our club, I am getting quite disturbing messages and questions.

Lüszi (via a Skype with video conversation) told me that she didn’t approve, so I called them out on it. Every one of the fake Lüszis ignored me, but one in particular fought back by writing directly, by having her best friend Gèmise 'Orsii write to tell me to stop bothering Lüszi. I told her that I already wrote to Lüszi and said “goodbye”.
She said, “You did?”
I reiterated “Yea...”
She reiterated, “You did...”?
We went back and forth a few times, and finally I realized that she was another fake, so I asked her, “Which Lüszi are we talking about?”
She gave me a link and I said, “Oh, a “fake” Lüszi.
And well, even her fake “boyfriend Szabolcs Jenei” wrote something, but stopped short of defending this person’s ludicrous mask. She was so adamant that she threatened to report me to the Facebook administration. (It does no good: I’ve already tried to “Report” the “Let’s Kill Tóth Lüszi” page several times.) I don’t think the real Lüszi knows any of these people. (This conversation with a fake is documented in one of my blogs).

This one fake Lüszi may be in need of a mental check up because she has people working with her in the cooperation of her lies, so does she really not know who she isn’t? – Incredible, but not the only “Lüszi” doing so! This is what turned the corner for me, and even though Lüszi and I had a peculiarly interesting start, I now support her 100%, and these developments have inspired me to write an article called “A Paradigm Shift”.

In lieu of this mess, I would also like to write an article called,”Lies, lies, and more Lies! When is it ever beneficial to deceive warm-hearted people (to children under the age of 10 included)? When is it that the benefits of cheating others (for little or no reason) outweigh the disadvantages?” Maybe that title’s too long, but you get the point.  There are more fake Lüszis than I have fingers, but they deceive warm-hearted people daily. Aren’t you guys ashamed?

In dealing with all of this, I’ve discovered that there are small networks of children, teenagers, and “adults” that are in on the networks of deceit. The lack of cooperation from all the Lüszis (listed below) is incredible; all of them are pretending to be her, but when push comes to shove they don’t seem to be hugely interested in Lüszi’s health and wealth, nor in the CD sales. Filled with both love for my CD and Lüszi, and anger that I had spent a couple of months trying to understand this mess, I decided to start a real honest to goodness page for Lüszi.

I consider the negative attitudes I’ve mentioned above to be a dereliction of decent values. One can only speculate as to the reasons for some of the scathing blogs, or articles, and the uncouthness of others, which are inaccurate from the gate, but costly no doubt; I intend to educate others and enhance their reasoning skills if I can. Lüszi and I share similar personal experiences in that regard – keep smiling, Lüszi! This club isn’t just about Lüszi, however, but it’s about you and me and behavioral science; it’s about us working together to set things right. 

In my many years of studying psychology and personal development (I admit I am not diplomatized), I can say with reasonable clarity that whenever Lüszi may be tempted to pick up a bad habit or do something that is counter productive to her potential and dreams, she is playing right into the hand of those who’d like to see her demise, so to that, I plead with her to resist such provocations. She knows what I’m talking about, so I’ll leave it at that. Bad habit behaviors and apathy have morbid results.

I will tell Lüszi my opinion if I think that she is straying from her goals and falling into traps, the games of others. Almost nobody just buys a CD but they buy an investment in the individual behind the CD, so it’s important that Lüszi is not just a singer, but also a role model. Lüszi is both an exceptional singer and an exceptional role model.

In spite of these revelations, out of all the ”Megasztárs” that have been produced thus far, has strong international potential, with the ability to sing in Hungarian, English and French, only Lüszi fits the bill. Only a few are as physically attractive. Only a few Hungarian singers have voices that can match hers.  Lüszi has a lot of potential in the singing arena – she is one of a kind. 

On a similar note, there are a few ways in which I entice people to come to this site or to volunteer them. One is to attract attention by going through lists of fake Lüszis’ friends, and sending those people notes regarding the truth and asking them to join us. Another way is to look at the automatic list of people that I may want to befriend that is automatically generated by Facebook based on common friends. At first, I admit my message was a bit sketchy in the beginning, but I've since made it very clear as to why I’m writing, but still yet the difference doesn’t seem to matter much.

It is very peculiar that so many people accept me without knowing anything about me, looking at my profile, etc. Why do they accept me as a friend? Perhaps the reason is to bring their “friendship” numbers up so they look popular, cool, or something, and also so that they can send or sell me their junk. But as soon as I attach them to the club, and they receive our things (which isn’t junk :)) that are posted (a soft sales approach), which is my sole purpose for using that Facebook option, many use the hardest street language or rudest behaviors that are possible without a face-to-face fist fight – so far all of them are Hungarians, abrupt, hunger-to-spit at someone Hungarians, even though this is a family page. Some accept my friendship just to pick a fight and tell me to …. off, even though I only connected with them because they are friends with a fake Lüszi. Rest assured that I will be a tacklin’ this behavioral deficit in articles I post in the future.

Also similarly, I hesitate to criticize any other stars because, for one, Lüszi may be working with them at some point, but when I share information about Lüszi’s CD or post her photo on their pages, my comments or postings are taken down as fast as possible, but often not without lambasting the young starlet and my posting before doing so, however, seemingly with every breath they breathe. This is with the exception of – “Toldiért” and Remsei Emese's page “Patai Anna, az imádnivaló tinisztár”. (She changes the name every week, so good luck finding it – bless her heart). I am a bit flabbergasted at Fenyő Miklós’ Hivatalos” page, Tolvai Renáta’s page, Vastag Csaba’s Hivatalos page, and on and on for acting the way they do – oh well, to each their own, 

I have to mention “Toldiért” because Lüszi is actually the one who volunteered me to it; and I don’t visit the site often, but it is interesting and it does me no harm to be a member - membership volume is important to every page with a cause; it’s a perception that we are popular, and that’s why I am having contests to get us from behind the eight ball, since I’ve only started this club in May 2011.

I sometimes fight back when derogative statements are made about our friend – or me, but I try to use my words carefully because a good rule of thumb is to always be nice; you just never know who may become a potential supporter. None of those who use such vulgarity, however, can answer anything whatsoever logically – oh well, to each their own.

If you invite friends over to your home, do you just talk about yourself? It just wouldn’t seem right if you did, but that’s what almost all the other “star-wanna-bes” do. It isn’t the best way. I would like us to support each other, and still keep in mind that the main focus will be to accentuate Lüszi, who will benefit most by having this club. In other words, our themes don’t always have to be about the “star”, who is just one of us.

In this club, any of you can post almost anything you find interesting, or if you’d like to ask for help, advertise, or find a specific connection, it’s Ok. This page is not only to support Lüszi, but to support you and your communities, to share videos and ideas, to grow the Hungarian mindset in a small way, and for me to learn Hungarian. (Smart members who are interested in English stay because most of my stories and important texts will be translated professionally, so it’s also a great learning opportunity).

Unlike the other “star” pages which evoke “me”, “myself”, and “I” are all great, and nothing less than that is great, or an accepted posting, we evoke “cooperation”, “friendships”, “unity”, “family ties”, and “an easy-going mannerism”. “Competition”, for example, is a good thing and Lüszi isn’t threatened by it at all, and most of all, “we are the best” by not claiming to be so – ha, a little humor, don’t get bent out of shape.

Lüszi certainly isn’t someone who follows the ‘norms’ set by elitists, but is someone who often follows the beats to her own drum. This dilemma has advantages and problems. With that said, a decisive answer must follow one simple question: “Do you want to sing or not?” “If you are in high demand, you get to call the shots. If you are in low demand, you’ll have to beg for chances to call any shot“.  Seeing Lüszi’s wild side, I would like to tell her, “Being wild isn’t necessarily bad, but being carefree is something I wouldn’t recommend.”

I now believe Lüszi is ready for more media attention – hopefully from rational and positive sources, because I’m expecting that with your help and mine, we can launch her into the spotlight again soon enough, and this time, I do hope that the market and the media will recognize her as they should: brighter, more attractive, and a finer young lady with many more talents than most. 

Lüszi has made it clear that people shouldn’t be directed to her private account, so it seems that we would all be best to support her at “Tóth Lüszi’s Dream to Sing Fan Club”.

Please know that I am not her manager, but just a fan and friend. You can study me with my long but not boring Facebook profile or by reading about me at

With that said, our main directives should remain threefold:
About Lüszi:

1. Encourage Lüszi to live a healthy lifestyle,
2. Sell the CDs, and
3. Boost Lüszi onto the International stage,
– and in that order.

The second fold is about you and your community:
1. Developing the mentality of an entire community in just a small way.

About me:
1. Develop my Hungarian by translations. It must be 100 times more difficult and more expensive for me to keep this page active because my Hungarian isn’t the best, so I need to have everything proofread (re-written) when I broadcast my postings to the larger audience. It’s also a bit expensive, but I chalk it up to my education.

To talk about the club policies, all club members agree to the following:
  1. Club members agree not to write messages to Lüszi’s personal Facebook account, nor her close friends, unless you are already her friend, close associate, or have received a personal invite to do so. Your membership will be terminated immediately if you refuse to heed to this rule, and it is likely your emails will go unnoticed and unanswered, at any rate.
  2. Club members agree to treat each other with respect and use appropriate language.
  3. Never argue with an administrator. There are currently 6 administrators for around the clock protection and support of Lüszi and the club.

This club’s main function is to support Lüszi as she develops her career and potentials. In so doing, this club’s focus is also to encourage Lüszi to blog and talk to her fans here, as she feels like it, without pressure, so we as a team need her to feel comfortable in our community.

You can write to Lüszi via email if you so choose. We can’t guarantee you she’ll answer you, but she may. Email address:

So, since we also have in attendance a group of fake Lüszis, I’d like to say to all of you, “Thank you for joining”. This is not my group, but Lüszi’s – the real Lüszi’s. Please help support her by telling the truths about who you are, but I know you won’t because you haven’t done so yet. Most of you don’t even seem to like Lüszi in any genuine way.

And lastly, certainly responsible guardians of our young should want every teenager to also do well in academics. This singing prospect for Lüszi is just one talent in this young lady’s life. I hope she seeks and is seeking others. She doesn’t have to be a star, if she were to ever change her mind, but her singing potential and her debut CD are both quite valuable and I would like others to recognize them as such.  

By the way, I do aerobic kickboxing everyday with the CD. It pumps up my day. It’s a great product from a great gal and a great team of professionals. There can only be one real Tóth Lüszi, with all of her charisma and detractions.

A List of all the fake Lüszis (some of which are now defunct), fake Lüszi clubs, and hate pages:
1. Tóth Lüszi Hivatalos Oldala – There is no official site for Lüszi. The manager of this site is a Fake Lüszi who doesn’t often go beyond the borders of this page.  Poking fun at me with another “friend”, Lüszi had blogged that the person running this site is a police officer, a friend of a friend.  – Boring, with nice photos. This is where I found out about the CD.  This page looks like it is defunct (June 2011).
2. “Tóth Lüszi” – Fake - the one whose story I told above. We are friends.

3. “Tóth Lüszi” – Fake – Popular. On the “Let’s Kill Tóth Lüszi” Facebook pages she posted a “Sziastok!” Is that weak or what? She seems to take the hate on this site with a grain of salt.  We are friends.

4. Lüszi Tóth – Fake - I don’t know her. Just sent friend request

5. Lüszi Tóth (Az Igazi) – Fake - Friendship recently accepted.

6. Lüszi Tóth – Fake - just sent a friend request

7. Lúszi Tóth (Az Igazi LüsziMüsz) – Fake – Has original pictures. Friendship accepted. Friendship list very low.

8. Tóth Lüszi – Fake - No information available – friendship request sent

9. Tóth Lüszi – Fake - No information available – friendship request sent

10. Tóth Lüszi – Fake - No information available – friendship request sent

11. Tóth Lüszi – Fake - No information available – friendship request sent

12. Tóth Lüszi Hivatalos Rajongói Oldal – There’s no official page for Lüszi.

13. Lücienne Edit Tóth – friendship request sent

14. Lücienne Tóth – Lüszi and many of her friends are friends on this page, so this is the only page that isn’t on my target list.

15. Tóth Lüszi Hivatalos Rajongói Oldal – The person who is maintaining this new site claims to know the real Lüszi, and said that Lüszi agreed to visit it.  I suggested we work together, but upon further review, realized she doesn’t seem to know the real Lüszi. I asked her a personal question about the real Lüszi, which only a few people know at this time, but I haven’t received any kind of answer whatsoever.

16. Lucienne Tóth (Hivatalos-Lüszii) -  Fake - just sent a friend request

17. Tóth Lüszi hivatalos oldala

*Evil Tóth Lüszi pages or impostors:
1. Let’s Kill Tóth Lüszi page – I’ve tried to get cooperation to get a coordinated effort to get this site shut down, but I’ve only had luck getting a few people to “Report” it. Lüszi herself blogged on the page challenging some of the comments but there’s been no cooperation to get it shut down, so I showered it with flowers from Lüszi.

*2. There was another evil Tóth Lüszi blogging on the page above, but she may have disappeared.

*2. Anti Tóth Lüszi Klipp Community

*Oh, my, there are more “Fakes” than I thought. Some don’t seem very active.

*A special thank to Patai Anna’s darling three friends:

*Remsei Emese’ and Eszter Molnár’s - Patai Panni rajongói oldal

*Patai Anna Jelöjetek

*Petre Busi’s - Panni az elbüvölő kislány

*To Lüszi with love,
* Best friends

Just extra notes I use to get the word out, and a letter from a supporter to Lüszi.
Látom, hogy a barátod "Tóth Lüszi" egy 'Ál' Lüszi. Egyébként az egyetlen célom van támogatni az igazi Megasztár Tóth Lüszit, azért kérlek, hogy csatlatkozz a klubunkhoz. Általában, csak fogsz kapni változatos zenet, vagy egy képet, viszont nem lesz olyan sok. Lüszinek rendesen látogatja a klubot.

Látom, hogy a barátod "Tóth Lüszi" egy 'Ál' Lüszi. Egyébként az egyetlen célom van támogatni az igazi Megasztár Tóth Lüszit, azért kérlek, hogy csatlatkozz a klubunkhoz. Általában, csak fogsz kapni változatos zenet, vagy egy képet, viszont nem lesz olyan sok. Lüszinek rendesen látogatja a klubot.Amerikai vagyok, tehát ha ez a szöveg nem tökéletes, azért. :P:P
Another club member wrote this some time ago:
Kedves Lüsz!

Bizony, kálvária, amit végigjárt, miután szembesült az „Intézményesült emberi kisszerűségekkel, aljasságokkal, szándékos akadályoztatással" ahogy megfogalmazta Fiderikusz Sándor is. Hányszor olvastam, hogy mit keres itt, gyerek még, iskolá...ban a helye, majd jól összeroppan. Az álszent féltés mögött a rosszindulat, gáncsoskodás bújt meg. És tulajdonképpen senki nem tudta megfogalmazni miért. Mert azok, értékelhetetlen szerencsétlen megállapítások, hogy nincs hangja, nagyképű, megjátssza magát. A hangja az csodálatos. Az volt és az ma is. Tessenek meghallgatni az új Emméne-moi című CD ét, és akinek van füle, az hallja amit kell. akaraterő és a céltudatosság meghozta gyümölcsét, amiről azt mondták az okosok, hisztizés, makrancoskodás, meg mit tudom én még mi, mert ki sem nézték egy akkor 13 éves kislányból, hogy ennyire tudja, hogy mit akar. A CD nemcsak nekem tetszik, komoly rendelés van belőle, Anglia, Németország, de még a USA ból is. Az már a mi szégyenünk, és hozzá nem értésünket, kificamodott ujjkori ízlésünket prezentálja, hogy Magyar országon, nem nagy érdeklődés van iránta. Persze ebben súlyosan elmarasztalható az írott és elektronikus média is, Ja, igen tudom a pénz. Hát először minden üzletbe be kell fektetni, és az, majd csak utána jön vissza. De itt már annyira belesulykolták a fejekbe, hogy nem jó amit csinál, hogy működik a népbutítás, és "nem rendelünk veszünk olyat, amit nem trendi, mondaná Győzike,. mert az nem jó. Pedig jó, nagyon jó. Csak tessék már megmondani nekem, hányszor lehetett látni a TV 2 vel kötött 4 éves kötelezettség alatt (amiből már el telt majdnem három) látni hallani a kislányt. Talán évente egyszer, megjelent egy független média riportja, interjúja Ez édeskevés annak viszonzására, hogy megkötik a kezét az érvényesülés felé vezető úton, és ezért nagylelkűen nem adnak semmit. Sokan még azt a döntést is megkérdőjelezték, hogy Ő a 2088 év női hangja. És a tisztelt TV kettő nem kérte ki sem magának, sem a zsűri nevében, és felhasználva a média nyilvánosságának erejét nem védték meg Őt sem, az aljas mocskolódástól. Akkor mi is ez a 4 éves szerződés? Szépen magára hagyták, oldja meg a problémáját a gyerek. A TV2 ha akarta volna, pozitív hangvételű megítélésék jelennek, meg az ilyen olyan himmi, hummi, ujságocskákban. Aki meghallgatja CD t majd meglátja, hogy a jóslásokkal ellentétben nem erőltette túl,és nem vesztette el a hangját, sőt. Nagyon szépek a számok, élmény meghallgatni.
Véleménye mindenkinek lehet, csak éppen fel kellene tudni mérni, hogy az, egy szégyellni való csak mocskolódó megállapítások gyűjteménye, vagy valóban, jóindulatúan közzétett "igazi" az esetleges hibákra a figyelmet, kulturáltan felhívó vélemény Nem állt szándékomban senkit kioktatni, pláne megsérteni, de ha csak egy kevés ember is hajlandó elgondolkodni, azon amit leírtam, már nem ültem a gép előtt hiába,és gyűlölködés helyett hátha javul egy kicsit a világ. Csak egy kicsi empátiát,és jóindulatot kellene mutatni a Lüszivel, és nem lesz felesleges, ha csak az álmunk válik nyugodtabbá, és a szívünk könnyebbé, akkor sem!

Látom, hogy írsz egy fake /hamis / Ál Lüszinek! Ebben a csoportunkban egy Ál Lüszik csoport van, viszont az igazi Lüszi is ott! Légy szíves, támogatsd az igazi Lüszit a csoportunkban. - Amerikai vagyok tehát nem mindig írok helyesen. :D
Köszi: - Szia Vigi! Láttam, hogy írsz egy 'Ál' Lüszinek. A klubunkban van egy 'Ál' Lsüzi csoport egy úgyanolyan van egy másik 'Ál'l Lüszivel is. 15 vagy több 'Ál' Lüszi számoltam a listoman (on my list) (Ámerikai vagyok, tehát nem mindig írok magyarosan :D)- Szerintem ezt a csaj Timea Hegyközi (nem biztos) mert ő elfejletette cserélni a login-t. Viszont, az igazi Lüszi is a klubunkban. Múlt pénteken ő és az édesanyá látogattak engem az írodámban. Sajnós, nincs képem mert meglepetés volt. Megígérttek, hogy jönnek hozzám, viszont nem tudtam mikor. :) Csatlatkozz a klubunk és beszélj az igazi Lüszi amikor jelentkezik, vagy blogolj a képen vagy valami ilyesmit. Az igazi Lüszi nem használja az igazi nevet is. Nem szabad nekem mondani melyik nevet használ, viszont ez nem túl nehéz kutatni, ha szeretnéd az igazságot.

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